As a choreographer I am mainly interested in the creation of Body Language; the creation of new moves. I look for this in the body and its organic movement, a new form of dance, through the investigation of gestures, the body and concepts.

 Hysteria. What is interesting about hysteria and its theory is its relationship with the body; hysteria communicates through the body. This is very attractive in terms of artistic creation and development of body language, since it requires from many body sings.

 As an artist I am interested in the mix of different artistic disciplines, their exchange and experimentation with them to investigate new proposals, creation methodologies and artistic processes.

Working with elderly people, has been for me an interesting and reflective activity. Through the workshops I have offered I have discovered a creative and expressive quality that appears in the organic movement.

Tribal dances. I have always felt great admiration and curiosity for these kind of dances, the freedom of the movements and the organic features of the bodies,  take me to the most therapeutic area of dance.