Veronica Poblete Villanueva was born in Santiago de Chile in 1980. In 2000 she started studying  Public Relations at the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE), while investigating about the Butoh dance with Carla Lobos and acting  at the “Novedades”  and Balmadeca 1215 Theatres.


Alter working in the area of dance production, she studied with Dance Theater with Magali Rivano at the Bolivariana University,  where she was trained by  teachers such as Kurapel Alberto, Carlos Delgado, Tatiana Martinez, Alexei Vergara, Luis Eduardo Araneda, and Stephanie Cohen, among others.

In 2008, she traveled to Berlin with the aim to expand her dance knowledge and investigate on the concept of Dance Theater and the construction of Body Language.

Currently, she works on a project called COLLECTIVE HYSTERIA, which is a research carried out along with ther artists.